Thursday, March 8, 2012

WATER the #1 medicine

Most of us are chronically dehydrated.

Our thirst mechanism is so weak that we often mistake it for being hungry.

Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Benefits of water: Less constipation, drinking more water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain.

Drinking lots of water decreases the risk of colon cancer and the risk of breast cancer and less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Here are some very common symptoms of dehydration.


Digestive discomfort







Allergies, kidney problems, dry skin, pretty much…


When you feel thirsty, you already are dehydrated. You should drink before you are thirsty.

Our body is 80% water and muscles are 75%, so without water we have no BODY.

So drink more filtered, reverse osmosis water. Tap water is not the answer, because it has some bad stuff in it, like chlorine.

How much water do we really need?

Water intake = body weight lbs

divided by 2 = ounces to drink

divided by 8 = glasses to drink

divided by 4 = liters to drink

Add 8 oz of water for each cup of coffee or glass of wine you drink

Water is a calorie-free source of fluid your body needs to stay alive. Your heart rate increases eight beats per minute for every liter of water lost during exercise. This increased heart rate combined with inefficient cooling, causes your temperature to rise. This not only compromises performance, but can lead to heat illness as well.

I recommend drinking at least 4 to 6 ounces of water every 15 minutes of exercise.

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